【Expires on 10/31】史高!吃饱喝足顺手拿走3000 美国航空 [AA] 里程




关于Dining Program的介绍,请看这篇文章《生活处处是里程专题系列之“食”(不坐飞机不申卡,照拿免费机票)》

AAdvantage Dining Program现在搞活动,从现在起至2017年10月31日前,注册加入美国航空 (American Airlines)[AA]餐饮计划,在注册30天内在参与的餐馆吃饭最多可以获得3000 美国航空[AA]里程 ,具体活动细则如下:
1. 如果你不是美国航空常客会员,请先去官网注册美国航空常客号;
2. 免费注册加入AAdvantage Dining Program,注册链接在活动页面;(以前注册过就不能拿这次的bonus了)
3. 加入之后会让你绑定一张信用卡,以后吃饭用这张卡就能额外获得里程,每个账户可以绑定五张信用卡,如果你参加别的相应的航空酒店的Dining Program,你在这些program里面注册的信用卡将会自动删除;
4. 首次新用户在注册30天之内使用已注册的信用卡在指定餐馆吃饭,消费(含税+小费)大于等于25刀(可以帮别人付钱,只要刷卡),你就可以获得1500美国航空里程奖励。然后在注册的30天之内,在参与活动的餐馆再消费至少$1,你将再获得500美国里程积分,第三次同样,再获得500积分。第四次同样,再获得500里程!也就是你30天之内花最少$25+$1+$1+$1=$28刀能够吃饭能够获得3000美国航空里程(当然这个是理论上的数字,基本很难找到$1的消费项目吧!)。
5. 消费积分将于2018年3月1日之前打入你的美国航空 [AA] 账户。


  • This bonus offer is open to all new AAdvantage DiningSM members who have not yet created a web login and registered a credit and/or debit card.
  • To qualify, you must create a web login and register a valid credit and/or debit card by October 31, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, and remain opted in to receive emails from the AAdvantage DiningSM program with a valid, deliverable email address.
  • You must also continue to satisfy any other applicable Online/VIP level criteria to earn this bonus.
  • To earn the initial 1,500 American Airlines AAdvantage® bonus miles on this offer, you must dine at any participating restaurant, bar, or club, and spend at least $25 (including tax and tip) on your check. To earn the subsequent 500 AAdvantage® bonus miles on this offer, you must dine at any participating restaurant, bar, or club, and spend at least $1 (including tax and tip) on your check, for up to 3 qualifying visits. All qualifying visits must occur within your first 30 days of AAdvantage DiningSM membership. Limit one bonus–qualifying visit per restaurant per day.


  • 本次在AAdvantage Dining Program新用户注册活动是史高里程奖励并且消费额度比以往都要少。以往四次消费均要达到$25-$30。本次消费要求大大降低。另外以往新用户注册AAdvantage Dining Program的奖励只有2000 miles。本次达到了3000 miles。心动不如行动,赶快注册吧!
  • 当然你也可以直接在dining program的餐馆买礼品卡,如果他们有的话。
  • 另外,北美“大众点评网” Yelp也推出了返现项目。这个返现项目与航空酒店的dining program并不冲突。如果你能找到Yelp与Dining Program里面有共同的酒店。那就可以实现喜上加喜(double diping),获得两个program的返现!关于Yelp返现项目的介绍请见《美版“大众点评网” Yelp.com也推出返现让利项目啦》