【2023.12 Prime Student和StudentUniverse合作有$25的美国国内机票的活动,12.7截止,每天最多一千张特价机票】
活动链接戳这里。需要有Prime Student或者注册Prime Student的6个月免费的Trial。$25的机票只能购买美国国内往返或者单程的机票。细则如下:
$25 Flight Promotion: For a limited time, Prime Student Members can book and purchase one round trip or one-way domestic ticket anywhere within the 50 United States and District of Columbia for $25 for a discount rate of up to $500 off the current retail value of the ticket
Starting on December 5, 2023 and for a period of three days, a maximum of 1000 tickets will be available each day. The booking period for the Promotion starts December 5, 2023 at 6am (PT) through 12am (PT) December 7, 2023 unless all tickets have been sold. The Booking is subject to outbound travel dates of 12/8/2023 to 12/25/2023 and inbound travel dates (if applicable) 12/8/2023 to 01/14/2024.
【2023.9 注册后有$25 off,9.24截止】
活动链接戳这里,注册后Amazon会发一个14天内有效的$25的credit,买东西可以用来抵现。Prime Student 服务本身就是前六个月免费,如果符合条件注册的学生读者可以赶紧行动起来了。活动9.24截止或者注册人太多也会结束。