Chase Pay联合沃尔玛再次送钱最高200刀


在前一天Chase Pay 联合各家餐厅推出的30-30 off的deal中, 相信很多朋友都撸了不少免费的Olive Garden,寿司,汉堡,三明治。尽管这次大促销,Chase Pay准备的不是特别充分,很多朋友遇到了,网上点餐了,但是pickup的时候商家却完全没有接到Chase的订单,或是说商家就完全不知道这回事。美国的移动支付在百年信用制度的框架下想完全突破现有的消费习惯和金融体系的确很难,已经被中国甩下了几条街。目前各种Pay,包括最有希望的ApplePay,都还和成功的离得很远。

但是这个巨大的市场谁抢的了先手就太重要了,这不,Chase Pay今年8月强推的Deal又回来了,现在到12月14日,使用Chase家的自家四个卡,包括了 下面这四个,在Walmart.com上面购物就可以获得10倍的积分,最高消费额度为325刀。当然这同时也是Walmart.com的一次促销,到目前为止收获了Jet.com的Walmart依然是Amazon最大的竞争对手。

点击下面的链接,就能看到具体的term,目前看来这个deal是每个信用卡的promotion,而不是一个Chase Pay账号只能用一次。

最佳消费:在, 购买Walmart的 电子或是实体Gift Card,走到最后一步,选择Chase Pay作为结账方式。最高消费325刀,获得3250 UR Point,如果你有四张卡,那就是3250*4=13,000UR 里程,兑换美国境内的单程一张还有500 点结余。一张UA的单程机票,价值可以到200刀。

沃尔玛自家的gift card说到底和cash有同样的效果,一天花不完,半年总能,当然前提是你去沃尔玛。


Freedom Unlimited


Sapphire Reserve


1During the promotional period of November 15, 2017 to December 14, 2017, earn an extra 9 points on up to $325 in purchases at when you check out with your Chase Sapphire card using Chase Pay. The bonus points earned is in addition to the 1 point you earn on purchases at for a total of 10 points. Bonus points will post to your account within a week of the transaction posting, and will appear on your monthly credit card billing statement and be available for use within 1-2 billing cycles. Purchases posted to your account with a transaction date during the offer period are eligible for this offer. Delays by the merchant, such as shipping, could extend the transaction date beyond the offer period. To qualify for this promotional offer, account must be open and not in default at the time of fulfillment. This promotional offer is non-transferable. For more information about your rewards program, see your Rewards Program Agreement.
Chase, Chase Pay, and the Chase Octagon are trademarks of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.