


EDIT: /u/doctorofcredit has a counter data point, at least for automated approvals. (i.e. Don’t take what I’ve written here as absolute. Situation is developing.)

I just had my third chat with the Barclay recon dept today, because I was denied for a JetBlue Business card that I closed three months ago. I told them that it was a mistake to have closed it (true), but customer service said it was too late to re-open it (true); and that I intended to put $50,000 in spend on it in Q1 2018 (true), and asked if she would mind having a look at the application again

我今天跟第三个巴克莱银行客服聊天,我申请的JetbBlue Business信用卡(网上自动)被拒了。这张卡三个月之前我刚关了。我告诉他们是我关错了(我没有说谎),但是客服说现在重开也太晚了(这是真的)。我告诉她我2018季度要消费$50,000(我也没有说谎),问她是不是可以帮我看看我的信用卡在线申请表格。

The rep told told me she wished she could, but there is a new systemwide rule in place that prevents approval for the same card within 24 months of having opened it, so there was nothing she could do. This was consistent with what two different reps told me earlier this morning (though they didn’t specifically say “new rule” like this rep did). I asked her if the policy was the same for both personal and business cards, and she said it was.


It’s only one DP, but I got the same information from multiple reps, so I’m inclined to believe it. I’d heard discussions lately about something to this effect, but this was more clearly stated to me than I’d read elsewhere.


Good luck churners, it’s rough out there!



  • 巴克莱银行信用卡与花旗银行不同,花旗银行虽然也有这个政策,但是花旗银行的信用卡可以开着申。等到申到了同一产品的新卡,把旧卡关掉即可。不过巴克莱银行每个人同时只能持有一张同一产品的信用卡。针对花旗银行的申卡方式对巴克莱银行并不适用。
  • 目前Chase (5/24)、AmEx (one per lifetime 1/1)、 Citi (1/24)、BoA (2/3/4)都有不同的申卡和批卡政策。这些政策的推行表明申卡之路越来越艰难。
  • 扩展阅读


《Citi跟风Chase和Amex 新出台1/24政策,8/28起正式施行》

