【限时奖励】AAdvantage eShopping推出假日里程奖励





【Advantage eShopping也加入此次假日里程促销大战】

自Delta, United Airlines的online shopping portal相继公布自己品牌的里程计划以后,American Airlines终于也公布了旗下shopping portal的里程计划。


自2015年11月10日至11月26日太平洋时间11:59:59 pm,AAdvantage eShopping提供限时里程奖励 (具体介绍请看:https://www.aadvantageeshopping.com/p/holiday-bonus-2015.htm),如果在此期间购物,除了获得常规里程奖励以外,

  • 消费满150刀,您将额外获得450miles;
  • 消费满550刀,您将额外获得2000miles;
  • 消费满1200刀,您将额外获得5000miles。



  • 活动时间为:2015年11月10日至11月26日太平洋时间11:59:59 pm。
  • 退货,取消订单,运费,税费,礼卡等不算入消费金额之中。
  • 里程将于活动结束的8-10周以后打入你的账户之中。
  • 每个账户最多只能获得5000miles的奖励里程 (bonus miles)。

*During the “Holiday” bonus campaign, which runs from 11/10/15 through 11/26/15 at 11:59:59 pm ET (the “Bonus Period”), Member will earn a one-time bonus of up to 5,000 AAdvantage bonus miles on qualifying purchases, in addition to the standard AAdvantage miles earned from shopping online through AAdvantage eShopping mall. Bonus miles will be issued based on Member’s cumulative qualifying purchases made during the Bonus Period: 450 bonus miles for qualifying purchases of at least $150; 2,000 bonus miles for qualifying purchases of at least $550; or 5,000 bonus miles for qualifying purchases of $1,200 or more. Returns, cancellations, shipping and handling, taxes, gift card or other cash equivalent purchases, and certain products are not included in the bonus miles eligibility calculation; please see the AAdvantage eShopping mall site for details on product eligibility and/or any coupon code details or other usage restrictions. Please allow 8-10 weeks after the Bonus Period for bonus miles to post to your AAdvantage eShopping mall account. The maximum number of bonus miles that will be awarded to an eligible AAdvantage eShopping mall account through the Holiday bonus campaign is 5,000 bonus miles. This offer cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. Please check the AAdvantage eShopping mall site daily for updates to increased earning opportunities. Void where prohibited by law.


许多portal不提供在各大官网购买礼品卡的返现 (Gift Card),AAdvantage eShopping却能在大多数时间追踪到你的消费并且给你赠送里程(不排除有特殊情况)。


  • Topcashback网站最近推出一个活动,如果通过次链接注册此网站,自即日起到11月16日,你将能够得到10刀的新用户注册奖励!具体的活动介绍,请猛戳我前几天写的这个帖子Topcashback新用户注册奖励截止日期是11月16日,千万不要错过白拿10刀的好机会,新注册用户奖励不是一直都有的,请一定要抓住这次机会!
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  • Ebates也提供在网上和实体店(in-store)购物返现,如果通过此链接注册此网站,你将获得10刀的新用户注册奖励!Ebates作为一个老牌的返现网站,常常能够提供比其他返现网站更高的返现比率。最近Ebates在苹果OS系统平台推出了App,只要加你的信用卡加入到你的手机APP账户,在实体店消费都能获得返现。另外,如果通过手机APP进入各大网站消费,你能获得比在电脑上通过Ebates进入同样网站消费更高的比率。以Neiman Marcus为例,如果从电脑上通过Ebates(Ebates.com)进入Neiman Marcus,你将仅仅获得6%返现,而如果从手机进入,你将会获得14%返现!!!!!!!!!我昨天已经写了一个详细的教程贴,具体内容请猛戳此链接