买还是不买?Hyatt 7折卖分 + 9折兑换双重折扣!



    Hyatt卖分也不少见了,一般是30% bonus,也偶有40%甚至更多的时候,官网标价为 1点 = 2.4美分,如果按40%的bonus计算,相当于1.71 cent 的价格购买。近几年最便宜的hyatt积分抢购(都不用“促销”两字了)是每年的dailygetaway,今年的已经过去了,恭喜手快网通运气好能抢到1 cent hyatt积分的朋友,反正Brett我是没抢到。而官网通过points.com卖分的渠道40%bonus就算是最多的了

    这次的积分促销似乎也是targeted offer,身边不少人都收到了40%bonus,也就是1.71 cent购买hyatt积分。Hyatt专门把促销放在和刚刚开始的针对Chase Hyatt持卡人的9折兑换活动一起推出,也是有预谋的,就是让你们些有刚需要住高端现金价格贵的hyatt酒店的人剁剁手!




    如果你是有刚需要住hyatt的酒店,而手里没有可用积分,可以根据hyatt award chart来判断,积分兑换或者现金+积分兑换是否合适。如果你在今年7月1日时,持有chase hyatt信用卡,且能在8月31日前兑换积分,并于10月31日前入住的话,就能享受到9折兑换。直观一点,30K*0.9=27K 积分可以换全球任意hyatt酒店一晚,包括巴黎柏悦、夏威夷安达仕、马尔代夫柏悦这样的旺季轻松每晚房间7、800美元的酒店,每点积分的兑换价值在2.5-3 cent+ 是没有什么压力的;而换低category的酒店,比如C2,C+P需要4000 points*0.9 + $55 = 3600 points+$55=$117;C3,C+P需要5400 points + $75 = $167; 如果对应的酒店现金价格远高于这个价格,那么你买分就是值得的,兑换价值在 2 cent+ 也是不难的。具体情况具体分析,如果有拿不准的,欢迎在评论里和我们交流


    如果上面的分析还不能完全明白,请先阅读《Hyatt Gold Passport 凯悦酒店集团金护照常旅客计划介绍

    Term & conditions:

    40% bonus offer available with a purchase of points made between 12:01 am ET July 11, 2016 and ends 11:59 pm ET July 31, 2016. Bonus points will be awarded upon completion of individual transactions. Points can be purchased in increments of 1,000, up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Members can receive points in increments of 1,000, up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Offer may be withdrawn or changed without notice. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Only purchases made online are eligible for the promotion. Chase Bank USA, N.A. is not responsible for offer fulfillment or the provision of or failure to provide the stated benefits and services.

    Price includes all applicable fees. GST/HST will be charged to Canadian residents. This transaction is completed by Points.com. Purchased points are not refundable and transactions are non-reversible. Purchased points are applicable toward all Hyatt Gold Passport awards. Points purchased using this option will post within 48 hours. You may purchase Hyatt Gold Passport points in increments of 1,000 up to 55,000 points per calendar year. Purchased points do not count toward Hyatt Gold Passport elite membership tiers. All Hyatt Gold Passport Terms and Conditions apply.