VX 维珍美国

【10/10截止】运通MR转Virgin America 25%额外里程+免费送顶级会员!!

Virgin America维珍美国航空一直是也是价值最高的里程之一(2.2 cent/points or more) 平日转换的比例是 2 Membership Rewards = 1 Virgin america Elevate points,  现在限时offer,截止2016年10月10日前有25%的bonus,也就是200 MR = 125 Point,这个bonus offer其实不算最好,历史上有过40%的bonus。

不过同时还有一个Offer是10月31日前如果转80000 MR到维珍美国,不仅可以获得50000 Elevate Points,还可以获得维珍美国金会员,有效期至2018年1月1日,不过由于25% Bonus只截止到10月10日,所以请在那之前转分获取最大优惠。同时还有注意一点,必须在9月30日前Enroll维珍美国的会员才可以享受送金(见文末Term的黑体部分,论仔细研究Term的重要性)。还在犹豫要不要转的朋友如果没有维珍美国的会员也建议先免费注册一个再慢慢考虑。

一般来说Virgin america的Elevate points的用途,一个是以约2.2 cent的价值换其自己的航班,一个是按照award chart换其partner的航班,但是常常有高昂的燃油,好的partner兑换方式比如:

  • 夏威夷航空:美国西海岸 – 夏威夷 20,000 Elevate points 经济舱往返 头等舱 50,000 points 往返,没有燃油附加税


  • 100% 额外里程积累
  • 起飞前24小时免费升舱到 Main Cabin Select, 并且在24小时内可以花钱购买头等舱升舱
  • 免费使用洛杉矶机场的 Virgin America Loft Lounge贵宾厅
  • 优先值机,登机,优先行李托运(免费),安检通道
  • 可以一年两次享受25%off的折扣购买经济舱机票
  • 取消里程票免手续费,免电话订票费
  • 合作航空优先待遇: Virgin Atlantic 享受优先值机,安检通道和登机,Virgin Australia 享受优先值机,安检通道和登机,以及优先行李托运和贵宾厅(澳大利亚)使用。

所以,有了这个转80K MR送金会员的活动,对于那些住在有维珍美国的航班的城市的朋友尤其是常飞的朋友来说还是比较值得的,之前申请了白金卡100K的或者MR点数多的用不完 的朋友,可以通过这次的活动体验下top tier的感觉,有了这家的toptier还能去match其他航空的高级会员,datapoint可以去 statusmatcher.com 查询。另外维珍美国已经被阿拉斯加航空收购,所以未来维珍美国的里程应该可以转换为阿拉斯加航空的里程,对于位于阿拉斯加航空Base的小伙伴也可以作为考虑因素之一。



Offer only valid for existing Virgin America
Elevate® Loyalty Program members or new
members who enroll in the Elevate program

by September 30, 2016

Terms and Conditions for the Membership Rewards® program apply. Visit membershiprewards.com/terms or call 1- 800-AXP-EARN (297-3276) for more information. Participating partners and available rewards are subject to change without notice.

The value of Membership Rewards points varies according to how you choose to use them. To learn more, go to www.membershiprewards.com/pointsinfo.

You must be enrolled in Elevate® Loyalty Program in order to participate in this offer, visit https://www.virginamerica.com/elevate-frequent-flyer/sign-up to enroll. Minimum transfer is 200 Membership Rewards points. From 12:00 a.m. CT on September 8, 2016 to 11:59 p.m. CT on October 10, 2016, redeem to receive 25% additional Elevate points. Additional Elevate points will be awarded at the time of transfer. For each conversion of points into the Frequent Flyer program of a U.S. airline, a fee of $0.0006 per point, with a maximum fee of $99, will be charged to your Card account. We charge this fee to offset the federal excise tax we must pay on such conversions. The fee may be more or less than the actual amount of the excise tax we pay on any individual conversion. We may offer you the option to redeem points to cover this fee.

American Express is not responsible for availability of flight, accommodations or any other rewards in the merchant program. Once you have transferred Membership Rewards® points, they become subject to the Terms and Conditions of the merchant program and cannot be transferred back to your Membership Rewards program account. Taxes, fees, charges and surcharges, including airline surcharges, apply on Virgin America redemption flights. See Elevate® Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions for details. Individual air carrier restrictions may apply.
In order to be upgraded to Gold Status, transfer 80,000 or more Membership Rewards points to Virgin America during the eligibility period from 12:00 a.m. CT on September 8, 2016 to 11:59 p.m. CT on October 31, 2016. Status will be awarded for qualifying Card Members within 14 days of transfer of 80,000 points and will remain in effect until January 1, 2018. For questions about the status of your upgrade, call 1-877-FLY-VIRGIN (1-877-359-8474). See Gold Status Program Terms and Conditions for details, https://www.virginamerica.com/cms/elevate-frequent-flyer/status/elevate-gold/. Individual air carrier restrictions may apply.


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