DL 达美航空

【Expires on 6/30】在达美里程伙伴商家消费,每消费一次获得额外1000达美奖励里程!



即日起至2017年6月30日,只要在达美航空 [DL] 的任意合作伙伴消费:航空、宾馆(包括airbnb)、租车、邮轮、吃饭、购物等等(完全名单请点击此链接),每在一个“新”的合作伙伴消费,就可以获得1000达美奖励里程。奖励里程将于60天之内打入你的账户。所谓的“新”的定义是:你在2016年3月24日至2017年3月23日之间,没有在这家合作伙伴进行过任意消费








Member eligibility: This offer is open to All SkyMiles Members except those residing in the APAC Region.

Offer Registration: offer registration is required.

Offer: Registered SkyMiles members will earn a bonus of 1,000 miles for every new participating non-airline partner they earn miles with between March 24, 2017 to June 30, 2017.  The term “New” refers to a partner the member has not earned miles with during the period from March 24, 2016 to March 23, 2017.

Participating Partners: The following non-airline partners are participating in this offer: Credit Card Partners, Hotels, Car Rental, Limo & Shuttle, Cruises and Vacations, Dining, Retail and Specialty, Financial Partners, SkyMiles Shopping and SkyMiles Dining. For a list of partners in each category, please click here.  Other categories of partners, including airline partners and Citibank Asia are expressly excluded from this offer.

Eligibility of Transactions: Only accrual partner transactions with an activity date between March 24, 2017 to June 30, 2017 will be considered for bonuses. Activity date is defined as the date of the transaction as reported by the partner regardless of the date the transaction is posted in the member’s account. Some partners offer multiple ways to earn miles under different products, brands, merchants, conversion of currency to miles, etc. These will still be considered as a single partner. Some examples of these cases are: Hotels booked via delta.com Hotels or Agoda.com, merchants under the SkyMiles Shopping program, restaurants under the SkyMiles Dining program, Cruises under the SkyMiles Cruises program, hotel brands under the same Hotel portfolio, partner activity and a points conversion to miles from the same partner and others.

Please allow up to 60 days after the qualifying transaction for bonus miles to be added in your account.

Delta may change the SkyMiles program rules, change or terminate program partners, regulations, benefits, conditions of participation or mileage levels, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice, even though changes may affect the value of mileage already accumulated. This offer may be terminated by Delta at any time, with our without notice. All SkyMiles program rules apply to SkyMiles program membership, miles, offers, mile accrual, mile redemption, and travel benefits. Offers void where prohibited by law. Other restrictions may apply. To review the rules, please visit delta.com/memberguide.

Delta, SkyMiles, and the Delta logo are registered service marks of Delta Air Lines, Inc.

Promotional Reference Code: To enquire about this offer, please refer to code 169004 when contacting any Delta customer service representative.




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  • 请问这个怎么用呢,是online portal那种吗?谁能解释下吗?谢谢。

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