


此前有消息表明,如果使用U.S. Bank于五月推出的U. S. Bank Altitude Reserve [UAR] 神卡,在超市或者其他地方购买各类Visa Gift Cards或者其他gift cards,持卡用户的消费状态将会被监管甚至人工审核,部分用户甚至被人工告知关卡,有的甚至是关闭了用户自己所持的U.S.Bank旗下的所有信用卡!

更有更加夸张的例子,由于用户申请U. S. Bank Altitude Reserve [UAR],没有秒过,进入人工审核申请状态,然后人工申请之后,由于曾经用Flexperks购买礼品卡,他不仅没法获批U. S. Bank Altitude Reserve信用卡,同时他账户中的其他信用卡也将会被全部关闭。

跟据Doctor oF Credit报道,部分用户的Flexperks (1, 2, 3, 4) 或者 Club Carlson  (1) 信用卡由于购买礼品卡,遭到关闭。



USB Flexperks card got shutdown too for buying $2k on GC.com, so they may be expanding this to other cards, too. (by Jeff)

由于在礼品卡网站购买了2000礼品卡,USB Flexperks信用卡被关闭。


I have a similar story. I had 5 cards with US Bank and applied for reserve card on May 1 (what an idiot..). My app declined, I called and lady says it will go on manual review since system didn’t pick me up as current customer. On the same evening, my Flexperks was declined in the grocery store. I realized it wasn’t a fraud alert, since I do such purchases regularly and also nobody called me. I called later and was told that somebody will call me, since my account is under review. I called 2 days later (since nobody called me) and was questioned by their investigation department regarding my purchases on my Flexperks card. They knew I was purchasing gift cards and told me this in my face. Lady told me purchasing gift cards is not allowed and they closed all my accounts, all flexperks points forfeited. Amounts of points is so large, that I lost a sleep and decided to hire a layer for help. Letters came few days ago stating that continuing relationships with me is unacceptable business risk. Now I’m sure that if I wouldn’t apply, my account would be safe. (by Sergey)

我原来有五张U.S. Bank信用卡,5月1日我申请了U. S. Bank Altitude Reserve [UAR],没有秒过。当天晚上我的Flexperks信用卡在超市购物也被decline。后来,我被告知,我的信用卡曾经购买过gc,购买gc是不被U.S.Bank允许的。我的所有信用卡都被关闭,同时我的Flexperks也被没收。后来我收到了U.S.Bank寄来的一封信,告知我:“跟我继续保持关系是一种无法接受的商业危险行为”。


  • 所有U.S.Bank信用卡用户,请不要用你的信用卡购买任何礼品卡,避免损失。如果你购买礼品卡,很有可能会被“杀全家”,全部U.S.Bank旗下的信用卡均会被关闭,造成巨大损失。关于银行到底能不能你看你买了什么和你的交易明细,请阅读这篇科普文《【科普贴】银行到底知不知道你买了什么?》
  • 如果你曾经使用过U.S.Bank旗下的信用卡的任何一张信用卡购买过GC,请目前千万不要申请UAR,以免触发人工审核预警机制。
  • 目前通过Plastiq用U. S. Bank Altitude Reserve支付房租被认为是travel category,你可以拿到三倍积分,同时报销$325的旅行消费。目前看来此种方法消费是较为安全的消费。



HTT: Doctor of Credit