
【MoviePass强力反击AMC】MoviePass 电影界的Netflix——10刀包月电影随便看

我们昨天刚刚给大家报道过AMC开始打算推行自己的会员项目,A电影包月票AMC Stubs A List。才过了一天,MoviePass团队就立马发出回应,因为AMC的价格的确贵,而且贵出来一倍,但是却可能争取到一些喜欢看3D和Imax的朋友。夏天大片来了,Imax才是王道。MoviePass现在10刀的价格没有包括3D和IMAX,而且也不能通过支付额外的差价来购买。

AMC会员的推行使MoviePass不得不改革自己的会员计划,从今天MoivePass发给会员的邮件来看,MoviePass发展了自己所谓的Demand Price来进行回应。主要有下面三点,
1. Bring a Guest,通过MoivePass app可以帮助自己的朋友购买一个电影票,但是这个并没有看起来那么诱人,因为这个朋友必须要在看了电影24小时之内,注册会员,这张通行票才会被MoivePass报销。唯一的好处就是省了等待MoivePass邮寄过来的时间,毕竟注册好了,MoivePass还需要2州才能邮寄到手。

2. Peak Pricing,这点就和航空里程的计划差不多了,把电影票按照热门电影热门日期来定义成peak和non-peak,如果是在peak的时候,就需要额外支付差价。当然可以选择电影上映几天之后来观看。

3.Premium Showings,这个就是为了弥补MoivePass不能观看3D和IMAX的问题,而推出来的,可以在支付差价来观看3D和IMAX。



美国大农村一直都是好山好水好无聊,除了能想到的爬山钓鱼camping,另外一个能想到的大概就是看电影了。看电影的成本在美国的确不算贵,而且很多地方的电影院都不用提前选座,多热门的电影都不会出现国内人山人海的画面,票价集中8-15刀之间根据电影和热门时间的不同。很多时候,学生小孩老人还有折扣。但是考虑美国家庭很多都有好几个孩子,一个家庭5个人的不在少数,外加爆米花可乐,一家人开场电影的价钱可能有100刀了,所以其实很多家庭也没有一定要第一时间去看最热门的电影。这也是Netflix在美国发展这么快的一个原因,在家里就能enjoy合家欢还省钱。Netflix火爆都发展成一个专门的词儿了,Netflix and Chill, if you know what I mean. 微笑~~~

这不现在一个10刀可以随便看电影的startup——MoivePASS 横空出世了,原理也是和Netflix一样非常简单,就是每个月缴纳9.95刀,全美几乎所有的电影院正在上映的电影,不管是不是首映还是上映多日,都随便看,目前仅限于Standard 2D,不含imax和3D。用MoviePass自家的话说,就说Any Movie, Any Theater, Any Day!

这里更新一个小“技巧”,尽管官网的term说,目前的pass是不能支持3D 4D IMAX的,实际操作中经过多次实测是可以的,方法和已知风险见文末,牧羊场不对此种行为带来的任何损失承担责任,仅供大家参考。

 A valid MoviePass subscription to the Service entitles you to: (1) see one (1) 2D film per calendar day through MoviePass; and (2) a single seat, depending on availability, for a 2D film showing open to the general public. The Service excludes premium showings such as: 3D films, IMAX, 4D, XD and specialty theaters. The Service is available every day of the week, subject to the theater being open, inventory, and usage. Alternative or future MoviePass Service subscription plans may include (1) premium plans that provide access to 3D, IMAX, and specialty formats) and (2) capped plans (limited amount of movies per month).

当你通过网上购买好MoviePass之后,会先扣费,但是卡只会在你收到实体卡以后才可以激活开始算时间,一般需要2-3个星期,硬质的Pass卡就会邮寄到家里,这个Pass卡本质是一张虚拟的Debit Card,通过MasterCard发行。不过使用者不用在意原理是啥,这个也不会需要SSN。

第一个问题就是这每个月10刀的费用花的值不值,按照一场2D电影10刀的价钱,如果你一个月看两场电影就肯定是划算的。两场电影在电影旺季其实蛮轻轻松松,例如夏季和圣诞各种大片集中的时候。但是如果你一年最多也就只能看12次电影,其实就不划算了,尽管很多电影的价钱比10刀要贵,但是像Fandango,AMC,Regal都有gift card出售,折扣一般也会在15%左右。



MoviePass的缺点,目前还没有Family Pass,如果可以打包出售Family Pass,类似于Netflix一样的Bundle,我相信会有更多人毫无犹豫的选择加入。从长远来看,如果被Netflix收购也不是什么意外的事情。这样Netflix就一通江湖了。毕竟看电影这个事情,很多时候回到家里葛优躺就不在想起来。至于到底要不要办MoviePass,就衡量下自己到底能不能每个月都去看次电影吧。生活在农村的博主,还是会毫无犹豫的加入,毕竟也是没其他事情好做呢哈哈!

注册链接:  也可以下一个他家的app



以上办法有一定的风险,原因见term里的 2.17条款,尤其是第X条..  不能保证不被秋后算账,所以以上方法风险自担,请慎重选择使用

2.17. You agree that MoviePass may, its sole discretion and without prior notice, suspend your subscription or terminate your Account and MoviePass Card on a temporary or permanent basis (如果违反下面的条款可能随时中止你的会员), and block your access to the Site for any or no reason, including but not limited to the following:

(i) You miss a payment. MoviePass will contact you by email and if payment is made within 10 days after we send our email, MoviePass will reactivate the account within 48 hours of payment. You will not be permitted to use the account until it has been reactivated. If you miss more than one payment, we reserve the right to permanently bar you from subscribing to or using the Service. The MoviePass system records the necessary information to turn over to collection agencies. When required, MoviePass reserves the right to use a collection agency to retrieve any outstanding balances. MoviePass reserves the right to seek appropriate punitive damages.  这一条不用多说,按期付钱

(ii) MoviePass suspects that you provided incorrect or false information to MoviePass when creating an Account or signing up for a subscription. 虚假错误信息,这个不用多说一般没问题

(iii) A breach of these Terms of Use by you that has not been corrected within a reasonable time.

(iv) You permit another person to use your MoviePass Card to purchase a movie ticket. 不要把你的卡给别人用

(v) You attempt to purchase a ticket to a movie that is different from the movie you reserved in the MoviePass App. 预定的和实际买票的电影不同,【风险1】2D和3D IMAX如果被视为不同的话,这样做也许会导致封号?

(vi) You purchase tickets on Fandango,, or any other third-party source using your MoviePass Card. 不要在第三方使用moviepass购票

(vii) You sell or attempt to sell purchased MoviePass tickets to other patrons. 不要把买的票卖给别人 #尽管买了票以后给谁 moviepass都是没法查证的

(viii) You purchase tickets for a purpose other than viewing a movie, such as to earn theater loyalty program points. 不要买了票不进去看电影而仅仅为了累积loyalty program的积分,尽管你进去了然后再出来,也没人知道你是不是看了

(ix) On more than one occasion during any thirty (30) day period you do not view the movie for which you purchased a ticket with your MoviePass Card in its entirety.  同上,不要买了票不进去看,超过1次就可能被关?我进去了再出来就好了

(x) If you use your MoviePass Card for any purpose other than to purchase a 2D movie ticket at a theater kiosk, or we have reason to believe that you have done so, you acknowledge and agree that we have the right to charge a fee of $25 (twenty-five U.S. dollars) (“Penalty Fee”) per occurrence on the form of payment you provided to us for your MoviePass subscription. If you believe that you have been charged a Penalty Fee in error, you may contact customer service to dispute the charge within 60 days of incurring such charge. 这条比较吓人,如果你用这个pass去买除了2D电影以外的其他东西,一次这种情形会导致你的信用卡被扣25刀

(xi) To cancel your subscription, you must notify MoviePass in writing to customer service or cancel via the app at least one business day prior to the next billing date. Cancellations are not effective until confirmation is sent to you via email, and you are responsible for all charges until cancellation is confirmed. Once you cancel your MoviePass subscription, you may not subscribe to the Service again for a period of nine (9) months. 一旦你取消了会员,9个月内将不能再次续会员

(xii) Gift Subscriptions are pre-paid membership to the MoviePass service redeemable at A person who receives and redeems a Gift Subscription to the MoviePass Service is referred to in this agreement as the “Recipient.” There are no refunds or other credits issued for Gift Subscriptions, redeemed or otherwise. MoviePass is not responsible if the Gift Subscription is lost, stolen or used without permission. Gift Subscriptions are not redeemable or refundable for cash, subject to applicable law, and cannot be resold or combined with any other special or free offers, including other Gift Subscriptions and Gift Cards. Gift Subscriptions purchased at are valid for redemption only at Gift Subscriptions and their use are subject to this agreement.



View Comments

  • 最近连看了好几部,雷神3,东方快车,还有正义联盟,爽哭~~接下去还有disney的coco!11月12月不仅买买买的季节,电影也真多~

  • 主要是不想排队买票,这个估计要去柜台吧?而且也不能选座(当然了 柜台可以选)

  • 在北美还可以吃鸡。长期寻找吃鸡队友,美服,KDA 0.1左右,喜欢毒瘤,喜欢舔包,喜欢舔空投,不听指挥的优先。

  • 上次去amc居然报错,后来看网上也说这个app老有问题。唉感觉被反撸

  • 我一般是1个月去一次电影院,1次看3场。。。 不过现在很难了,都要对号入座了,查票也很严了。。
    时代广场的万达都不能去了,人太多, 根本不可能有空座位

  • 一个月去电影院看两个电影,对很多上班族而言都有点勉强…关键是旺季以外并没有很多值得跑去看的电影。我还是会维持AMC的会员计划, 逢星期二半价非常实惠。

    • 一个月两次还行,博主也是工作,关键是有没有想去的电影了。我反而从不会周中去看电影呢,都是周末。

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