AS 阿拉斯加航空


美国交通部(DoT) 官方发布新闻,通过了阿拉斯加航空和夏威夷航空的merger,而且发布了很多条对常旅客和撸卡的朋友非常友好的条款,最大的新闻就是DoT要求夏威夷航空的里程和阿拉斯加航空的里程必须可以1:1转,具体的条款如下。

Protecting the value of rewards (保护常旅客里程的价值)Alaska and Hawaiian agreed to the first-ever rewards protections against devaluation that ensure that consumers will receive the rewards, benefits, and status they have earned. Specific rewards protections include:  

  • No expiration for miles earned under current programs (合并前的里程永不过期): All HawaiianMiles miles and Alaska Mileage Plan miles earned prior to conversion into the new combined loyalty program must not expire.  
  • Transfer miles at 1:1 ratio (里程必须1:1 比例转): Rewards members can transfer HawaiianMiles miles to and from Alaska Mileage Plan miles at a 1:1 ratio prior to the launch of the new combined loyalty program. Each outstanding HawaiianMiles and Alaska Mileage Plan mile must be converted into a mile in the new loyalty program at a 1:1 ratio, resulting in all members having the same number of miles before and after conversion.
  • Maintain value of miles(里程不能贬值): The combined airline must not take any actions that would devalue HawaiianMiles miles, must maintain the value of each unredeemed HawaiianMiles mile earned prior to the merger closing, must honor all active HawaiianMiles promotions from prior to the merger closing, and must continue to award HawaiianMiles miles at the same or greater value. The combined airline must maintain a minimum dollar value for all miles in the new loyalty program, measured by the guest-facing value of miles redeemed for carrier-operated flights.
  • Match, maintain, or increase status(常旅客的等级必须保持或者增加)Under the new combined loyalty program, the combined airline must match and maintain the equivalent status levels that HawaiianMiles members hold under the HawaiianMiles program, match and maintain status levels and conferred benefits that are equivalent to Alaska’s Mileage Plan program, and match or increase status and conferred benefits as necessary to ensure members of each existing loyalty program are treated no less favorably relative to status, including by matching or increasing members’ elite status in the new combined loyalty program, for the remainder of the applicable program year.
  • No new junk fees: The combined airline must not impose change or cancellation fees on rewards redemption tickets for travel on carrier-operated flights.  

鉴于Alaska有极少的转点的合作伙伴,而Hawaiian可以通过Amex转点,这个条款基本给大家想通过这个merger来把Amex点数换成Alaksa点数的方法吃了个定心丸。 大家如果有闲置的Amex点数想布局Alaska的话可以搞起来了。然后如果想通过申Hawaiian信用卡来之后转成Alaska里程的也可以搞起来了,Barclays Hawaiian Airlines 夏威夷航空信用卡介绍【2023.9更新:70K开卡奖励还在】


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