eBay 满100减20!新Code!





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Update1:虽然term说eBay Giftcard不行,但是只要不是只买GC就可以!比如我是买了一个50刀的东西,加了一张50刀的eBay GC,结账通过!-ikuta

update2: 买了ebayGC1 100刀 + 20刀的anything,然后使用coupon结账只花了100刀,等于20刀的anything是送的,100刀的ebay gc下次继续用来买ebayGC或其他GC

How to redeem your Coupon:

  1. Shop for eligible items. (See below for exclusions.)
  2. Pay for your item with PayPal between 2pm and 7pm Pacific Time on March 10, 2016
  3. Enter the Coupon code in the redemption code field: CMADNESS10