【史高】喜达屋SPG积分转美国航空AA里程25% Bonus,轻松把SPG积分用到3.3 cent



AA每年都会有针对酒店积分转里程的bonus活动。往年基本都是20%,今年提高到了25%,因此是最慷慨的一次了,考虑到AA里程日益贬值马不停蹄停不下来,尤其是那可怜的saver award space,这额外的5%也是不怪了。


2017年4/28-6/15日 必须在这期间发起积分里程转换。



AA的会员可以通过将包括SPG和万豪在内的多家酒店积分转到AA的里程,并且机票酒店package也可以获得25%的Bonus。也就是说万豪大礼包和SPG Night&Flight都是可以的。



  1. SPG 20,000 Points 可以转25,000 AA miles,算上 25% bonus,则可有31250 Miles,比例1:1.5625;
  2. 万豪比例不同,但70,000以上起转则是最划算的,70,000 Marriott Rewards = 25,000 AA miles,算上这次的25%Bonus,则有31250 Miles,考虑到20,000 SPG = 60,000 Marriott Rewards,明显不如第一个选项,可以排除掉这一办法。(换算成SPG,这个办法的实际比例是 1:1.339);
  3. SPG大礼包 Flight & Night Package,这里我们不考虑额外带来的5晚C3或者C4的价值,只考虑里程比例的话,这个比例并不好,这个option只适合有刚需住5晚SPG C3 or C4的朋友:
    • 60,000 SPG = 50,000*1.25 AA miles + 5晚C3级别酒店(7000 Starpoints 一晚)
    • 70,000 SPG = 50,000*1.25 AA miles + 5晚C4级别酒店(10000 Starpoints 一晚)
  4. 万豪大礼包:考虑最佳的转换比例 90,000 Starpoints = 270,000 Marriott Rewards = 120,000*1.25 AA miles + 7晚 C1-C5万豪住宿,也就是150,000 里程,只考虑酒店积分到里程的转换比例的话,SPG:AA = 1:1.667,是上面几种方法中最划算的,如果还有刚需入住7晚的话,就是非常好的兑换了。 参考牧羊场酒店信用卡航空积分里程估值,AA的里程价值1.5 cent,SPG通过万豪大礼包的方式转给AA,即便是扔掉那7晚,也至少换出了2.5 cent的价值,如果按每晚C5 100刀税后的价值来估算,则SPG这样可以用出3.3 cent的价值。

通过大礼包兑换,如果SPG点数不够90000的话,无法达到上述的最高比例,如果需要凑更多的点数,现在至4月30日截止的SPG卖分促销,最多7折,每点大概只卖2.5 cent,如果需要AA里程的朋友也是可以考虑的。此外,也可以考虑申请目前的Chase万豪信用卡史高100K的开卡奖励,和SPG Amex的25,000的开卡( 错过了之前的35,000史高是不是很桑心 )。



To qualify for this AAdvantage® 25% bonus mile offer, member must initiate the AAdvantage mileage conversions with participating eligible AAdvantage program hotel participants (“Hotel Partner(s)”) between 12:00 am Central time on April 28, 2017 and 11:59 pm Central time on June 15, 2017 (the “Promotion Period”), and must be in good standing in the AAdvantage program.

Members can convert multiple times with multiple Hotel Partners. Conversions for hotel and air packages from Hotel Partners are included for this offer. This offer is non-transferable and cannot be combined with any other offers.

Bonus miles will be posted by American Airlines to the qualifying AAdvantage member’s account within 7 business days after the initial conversion activity has been posted by the participating Hotel Partner. Bonus miles earned in this promotion do not count toward elite status qualification.

American Airlines is not responsible for products or services offered by Hotel Partners. American Airlines assumes no responsibility for how participating Hotel Partners count qualified conversions. You must check with the participating Hotel Partner to confirm what counts as a qualified conversion.

Additional terms may apply.