Capital One Shopping通过邀请链接注册并购买$10的东西有最高$200礼卡的奖励【已过期】【奖励居然到账了!】


【2023.12.23 更新 邀请奖励居然到账了!】

前段时间的$200的too good to be true的邀请奖励居然到账了!作者只收到$150,但是应该有$200的offer的朋友会收到$200,大家赶紧redeem gift card吧!

Capital One Shopping是个类似于Rakuten, Topcashback的返现网站,缺点是Capital One Shopping的返现不能直接兑换现金,只能兑换礼卡,能兑换的礼卡大部分是一些含金量没有特别高的礼卡,如Macys,Doordash,Nike等。今天Capital One Shopping横空出了这么个看起来too good to be true的邀请offer。最高$200(礼卡)的注册offer。需要通过邀请链接注册,注册后需要按照浏览器的插件,然后通过Capital One Shopping在30天内购买$10的东西。按照细则来看,满足条件后的30天内bonus会post到账户,但是也有可能delay。

Captial One Shopping的返现只能用于兑换礼卡,不能提现。礼卡的价值一般来讲要比现金差,因为礼卡一般购买时都有一定的折扣,如果礼卡想要二手套现的话一般要至少损失一定比例的卡面价值才可以卖出去。下图是Capital One Shopping可以兑换的一些礼卡。

非常可惜,作者的Capital One Shopping的邀请链接只有$150,用户注册的时候refer的细则里面显示的是如果使用的邀请链接已经被别人使用了满了的是没有bonus的。请大家使用留言区读者的$200的邀请链接,如果大家想要支持作者创作的话也欢迎使用作者的$150的邀请链接 🙂 目前还有至少三个名额,作者会动态更新,满了的话就删了或者换成别的牧羊场作者的邀请链接,最好在电脑上注册,因为需要安装Chrome的插件。


For either you or your refer-ee to qualify for a referral sign up bonus, your refer-ee cannot have or have had a Capital One Shopping account, and your refer-ee must sign up and install the Capital One Shopping desktop computer or mobile browser extension via your referral link, and make Qualifying Purchase(s) totaling at least $10 within 30 days of signing up. A Qualifying Purchase means a purchase via Capital One Shopping that earns Capital One Shopping Rewards. By participating in the referral program, you are telling your refer-ee that you’re a Capital One Shopping customer. Bonuses will be automatically applied to your account and your refer-ee’s account within 30 days after satisfying these requirements, but issuance may be delayed during the determination of whether a Qualifying Purchase has been made by a refer-ee who did not previously have a Capital One Shopping account. You may only earn up to $500 in referral bonuses per referral period. Bonuses will be awarded as Capital One Shopping Rewards, and are subject to the Capital One Shopping Terms of Service. We reserve the right to alter, change, or terminate this offer at any time without notice. Additional terms apply; please see the Capital One Shopping Terms of Service for more details.


For either you or your referrer to qualify for a referral sign up bonus, you cannot have or have had a Capital One Shopping account, and you must sign up and install the Capital One Shopping desktop computer or mobile browser extension by clicking an eligible referral link and make Qualifying Purchase(s) totaling at least $10 within 30 days of signing up. A Qualifying Purchase means a purchase via Capital One Shopping that earns Capital One Shopping Rewards. By participating in the referral program, you will be telling your friend that you’re a Capital One Shopping customer. The bonus will be automatically applied to your account within 30 days after satisfying these requirements, but issuance may be delayed during the determination of whether a Qualifying Purchase has been made by a refer-ee who did not previously have a Capital One Shopping account. If you uninstall the extension, or your referrer has already met their referral maximum for the referral period, you may not be eligible for this offer. The bonus will be awarded as Capital One Shopping Rewards, and is subject to the Capital One Shopping Terms of Service. We reserve the right to alter, change, or terminate this offer at any time without notice. Additional terms apply; please see the Capital One Shopping Terms of Service for more details.

如果有Captial One Shopping账户的,欢迎大家在这篇帖子下面留言自己的邀请链接(请注明邀请bonus的数额 $150 or $200),使用了邀请链接注册的请回复到链接的留言,这样可以track这个邀请链接还有没有刷满bonus,邀请链接如果已经用满的请及时删掉链接。


牧羊场有作者曾经被Captial One Shopping赖过账,有几千块的Shopping Rewards被Captial One Shopping赖账了,几次联系客服也没有结果。这次的这个活动作者也是抱着试一试的心态,这个refer的细则比较坑,很容易被Captial One拿来作为赖账的工具。做好心理预期,如果Captial One赖账的话也不要过于纠结,毕竟时间成本也不算高,也只需要买$10的东西。