Wells Fargo Savings账户开户奖励$225





通过上面的链接开户,开户时需要存至少$25,需要在 April 9, 2024 前完成。也可以在April 9, 2024前去Wells Fargo实体店开户,需要在上面的页面填写邮件然后收一个bonus offer的code到时候给Banker看. You must provide the bonus offer code to the banker at the time of account opening。


开户奖励要交税,会发 Form 1099-INT


月费 $5,有如下可以免月费的方式。

  1. 保持每日最低$300的balance
  2. 1 automatic transfer each fee period of $25 or more from a linked Wells Fargo checking account
  3. 1 automatic transfer each business day within the fee period of $1 or more from a linked Wells Fargo checking account
  4. 1 or more Save As You Go® transfers from a linked Wells Fargo checking account. A qualifying Save As You Go transfer is an automatic transfer of $1 from your linked Wells Fargo checking account to your Way2Save Savings account each time you (or any authorized signer or joint owner) use your debit card for a one-time purchase or complete a Bill Pay transaction through online banking, and the one-time debit card purchase or Bill Pay transaction posts to the account. We reserve the right to determine through our sole discretion if a particular transaction is a qualifying transaction.
  5. Primary account owner is 24 years old or under. (When the primary account owner reaches the age of 25, age can no longer be used to avoid the monthly service fee.) Customers 12 and under must have an adult co-owner.


需要存$10,000三个月,得$225的奖励,如果三个月放在其他高利率的savings账户里(Marcus by Goldman Sachs Savings账户)大概能拿$125左右,这样撸一下能多赚个$100左右吧。