Jet Airways印度捷特航空机长在国际航班上打人,然而打的是另一个飞行员……


各种航班上出现争执纠纷的事情大家想必都遇到看到听到过,一般都是乘客和乘客之间互怼,或者乘客和机组人员出现矛盾,不过最近Jet Airways印度捷特航空发生了一起机长怒扇飞行员的奇葩事件……

Business Today 报道,今年1月1号(还真的是新年新气象呢)由伦敦飞往孟买的波音777 9W 119航班上,机长(性别不详)扇了同在驾驶舱的女飞行员,后者于是离开了驾驶舱开始抹眼泪,然后机组人员把她劝了回去,结果过了一段时间两人又发生了争执,女飞行员又跑出来了…然后飞机就这么大点地方,你一个飞行员本来呆在驾驶舱现在跑来呼吸客舱的空气也不合适对吧,然后就又被劝回去了…还好整个航班没出其他幺蛾子,抵达目的地的时候,乘客和机组成员都还活着,没少人。


对于这次事件Jet Airways并没有否认,发表声明如下:

“A misunderstanding occurred between the cockpit crew of Jet Airways flight 9W 119, London – Mumbai of January 01, 2018. However, the same was quickly resolved amicably and the flight with 324 guests including 2 infants and 14 crew continued its journey to Mumbai, landing safely. The airline has reported the incident to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and the concerned crew have been derostered pending an internal investigation that has since been initiated. At Jet Airways, safety of guests, crew and assets is of paramount importance and the airline has zero tolerance for any action of its employees that compromises safety.”

大意就是确有其事,不过矛盾被平息,飞机也平安抵达目的地,我们已经把这事情汇报给航空管理部门,涉事人员已被停职接受调查,我们捷特航空最在乎乘客安全blah blah。
