【全球星盟航线兑换折扣3折起!中美26K,美欧16K起】生命里程AV Lifemiles 黑五里程史低价促销最后一天了 !



没有哪个航司比哥伦比亚航空更热衷于卖里程了,也没有多少航司里程像 Lifemiles一样还会升值。就在刚刚调整了欧美内部兑换之后,Lifemiles又开始卖啦~ 相比上次的125%的促销,这次是真正的史低价1.35 cent (145% bonus),  毕竟刚刚升值,有北美亚区内刚需的朋友可以考虑入一些了,避免兑换星盟短途时浪费UAAC的里程。这次除了里程促销外,还有兑换大促销,全球各机场都基本有折扣,多达65%off,经济舱/商务舱均有折扣!具体促销详情在文末。


11月20日-11月27日 8天促销,145%的bonus,最多买200K+290K = 490K,价格$6600,需要的赶紧上了。但是要注意,只有注册Lifemile账户之后7天,才能买里程,享受促销,所以如果还没有注册的朋友请先去注册一个账户,应该可以赶上最后一天的sale。

购买链接 https://www.lifemiles.com/eng/ear/tra/traneepur.aspx

如果还不了解AV里程的妙用可以看这篇文章《lifemiles 哥伦比亚航空生命里程介绍》和《新短途神器——lifemiles美欧内部设立亚区兑换里程大大降低》主要的短途亮点在下面这张图,看看你所在地和想去的地方是不是同一个亚区吧,是的话可以果断入一些。


黑五促销还是后两天,AV Lifemile就开始了为期1个月的打折兑换!当时还没注意,直到今天收到email通知史低价买分还剩1天了,也就是11.27.2017即将结束,还没有买的赶紧了!


打折兑换从11.22 – 12.20,全球各大星盟航线均有折扣(包括国航哦,这次促销也带来了重大利好消息——AV里程再次可以兑换国航了),上表是几个例子。本次打折还是很良心的,从下面的简单统计可看出,打折的线路多数都是30-60% off 的,不过多数是短途兑换,长途跨洋兑换的折扣相对较小。



仔细看亮点还是不少的,比如芝加哥-北京ORD-PEK的单程经济舱只需要26K,洛杉矶-北京LAX-PEK单程经济舱26.5K,旧金山-北京 SFO-PEK 28K,夏威夷-洛杉矶 HNL-LAX单程经济舱16K,纽约-日内瓦/苏黎世 单程经济舱16.5K等等。如果这次1.35cent的价格囤一些 上面的线路还是很给力的。全部打折信息请见这个pdf。


  • Apply only for Star Alliance flights, subject to availability on redemption classes (X, I), not guaranteed by LifeMiles.
  • Neither LifeMiles Ltd, nor Avianca, nor its Air Partners, nor any other affiliated entity or subsidiary of the before mentioned, guarantee that there will be availability on the dates, flights, schedules, or operator of your preference.
  • Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights and / or desired dates.
  • The amount of miles represent one-way airline tickets.
  • The changes in required miles are unidirectional, meaning that origin required miles may differ from returning required miles.
  • Apply to redeem tickets only through Avianca’s Call Center or LifeMiles.com.
  • Applicable Airport taxes not included.
  • Administrative charges apply and must be paid at the time of redemption and may change without prior notice. The redemption of Miles is subject to the terms and conditions of the LifeMiles Program. Tickets redeemed with LifeMiles miles are subject to the transport terms and conditions of each of the operating airlines of the routes that are part of the itinerary. The member is responsible for carrying out the procedure defined by LifeMiles for the redemption of the award tickets.
  • Date changes are permitted according to terms and conditions of LifeMiles LTD with the respective service charge of USD 150 + taxes.
  • Redemption dates: between November 22nd, 2017 to December 20, 2017.
  • LifeMiles Terms and Conditions apply, available in LifeMiles.com. LifeMiles is a trademark of LifeMiles LTD.