

今天来自DOC 的消息,发现AmEx修改了AmEx Delta Gold信用卡的Terms & Conditions,增加了一些对大多数撸卡党来说无疑是坏消息的内容。我们看了下官网的各张卡,发现以下这些卡的term都更新了:


Qualifying purchases can be made by the Basic Card Member and any Additional Card Members on a single Card account. Purchases to meet the spend requirement do NOT include fees or interest charges, balance transfers, cash advances, purchases of traveler’s checks, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, purchases of gift cards; person-to-person payments, or purchases of any cash equivalents. Miles will be credited to your account 6-8 weeks after you reach the spend threshold.

If we in our sole discretion determine that you have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with the welcome bonus offer in any way or that you intend to do so (for example, if you applied for one or more cards to obtain a welcome bonus offer(s) that we did not intend for you; if you cancel or downgrade your account within 12 months after acquiring it; or if you cancel or return purchases you made to meet the Threshold Amount), we may not credit the welcome bonus to, we may freeze the welcome bonus credited to, or we may take away the welcome bonus from your account. We may also cancel this Card account and other Card accounts you may have with us. (这是要威胁要杀全家么)


Qualifying purchases can be made by the Basic Card Member and any Additional Card Members on a single Card account. Purchases to meet the spend requirement do NOT include fees or interest charges, balance transfers, cash advances, purchases of traveler’s checks, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, or purchases of any cash equivalents.

这里面点名了几个可能被AmEx亮红灯收回开卡奖励,甚至彻底拉黑的行为,Abuse misuse or Gaming,如果Amex单方面认为你做了,或者正在打算做以下行为 都会予以严厉的惩罚:

  • 使用不属于自己的Targeted链接(猜测隐身浏览器这样的也算not intended) 申卡拿开卡奖励
  • 开卡12个月内降级或者关卡
  • 通过购物满足开卡消费要求再退货

对于第一条,显然别人收到的Targeted Offer link/code以后肯定不能再用了。至于浏览器隐身模式这种方法,DoC表示应该暂时问题不大,毕竟你点开的浏览器你点开了网页你看到了AmEx的Offer,应该可以默认为是AmEx“有意” Target你的Offer,不过我个人认为考虑AmEx目前的行为趋势,隐身模式或者使用VPN之类的这种操作也是有一定风险的…毕竟当时AmEx因为开卡消费问题大批冻结Membership Rewards之前也没有任何的警告,而是采取了宁可错杀一千也不放过一个的方式来操作的。


  • Fees or Interest charges: AmEx收费和利息
  • Travelers checks旅行支票
  • prepaid cards(包括购买和充值)
  • Gift cards礼品卡
  • person-to-person payments比如Venmo等
  • 其他cash equivalents


之前AmEx因为开卡消费问题大批冻结用户的Membership Rewards账户已经给出了一个非常明确的信号,那就是AmEx要收紧自己的奖励政策,然后严格打击撸卡/撸毛党的过分行为,今天的Term里甚至还出现了Gaming一词来进行定向打击。对于我们大多数读者来说,正常的申卡/消费/关卡并不会收到太大影响,对于小部分狂热爱好者来说,就要多加警惕了,收回点数事小,逼急了AmEx关卡也是有可能的(有人可能会说点数都收走了还要卡作甚,也不是没道理)。总之趋势就是各大银行都在收紧政策,以后只能健康撸卡啦。


HT:Doctor of Credit